Thursday, 20 June 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

All about Statistics

Click on the link to learn how to create a box and whisker graph.

What: In Room 24 this week we have been learning how to work out mean, median, mode and range.
So what: A lot of us didn't know how to work these out so we started from scratch. To learn how to work out mean, median, mode and range we watched a video. He showed us an example of his one and how he did it then gave us a problem and by then a lot of us had worked it out by now.
Now what: Next week we are learning about statistics investigations. I don’t know what that is and maybe some other people don’t so I’m excited about learning something new.

We are learning how to read and interpret graphs. Today we measured ourselves to create a histogram.

Some of the statements we made were:

"There were more people in the 1.56-1.60m range than the others." Mackenzie

"Most people in the classroom are shorter than Miss Biggs." Shae

"The range is 35cm." Jared S

"The mode is 1.40-1.45 and 1.66-.1.70." Jakob